From 2014 KMD has been piloting a two-tiered Climate Information Services (CIS) intermediary system in Kitui and Makueni counties. Following a series of training, KMD has been providing climate information via SMS and a system of intermediaries in the two counties.
The CIS intermediary network aims to ensure that seasonal, monthly, weekly and daily forecasts and weather warnings support farming and livestock activities in the run up to and over the counties’ two annual principal rains.
In implementing its commitment to create user-led CIS, KMD with Adaptation (Ada) Consortium 1 partners undertook an assessment of user climate information needs to inform the development of its communication strategy. The assessment identified the importance of two principal channels for communicating climate information services – radio and SMS provided through a network of intermediaries.
The process of developing a two-tiered network of CIS intermediaries was piloted in Kitui and Makueni Counties, two of the five Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) counties where Ada is operational.
Methods and Management
As a key member of the Ada Consortium, KMD led coordination of the intermediary training together with partners. KMD’s Institute for Meteorological Training and Research (IMTR) and Ada partners developed a 2.5-day Training of Trainers (TOT) course for primary CIS intermediaries designed to enable participants to:
- Receive, appreciate and effectively communicate climate information in a language and format that can be easily understood; and
- Support appropriate application of climate information and provide feedback on its use and benefits. Primary Intermediaries use the training and a package of four tailored units to deliver a half-day training for 20-40 Secondary intermediaries. The system is two-tiered only as regards the training. Once trained, both primary and secondary intermediaries simultaneously receive climate information by SMS.