Technical work package to support enhancement to seasonal forecast production

Created on Oct 29, 2024
The production of seasonal forecast information is a key activity for East African NMSs such as the Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD). The information produced in seasonal forecast activities is used to inform government bodies, livelihood sectors and the general public on the expected conditions in an upcoming rainy season. It is a key piece of information for informing decision – making activities across Kenya on seasonal timescales, and feeds directly into agricultural practices, food security, water resource management and disaster risk reduction activities.
Within the StARCK+ Ada Consortium, a number of opportunities for seasonal forecast enhancements had been identified through engagement with government stakeholders and local communities. In order to progress towards addressing these user needs, a technical work package was designed and undertaken during the life of the Ada Consortium. Collaboration between KMD and the Met Office has delivered beneficial enhancements to the production of seasonal forecast information, the results of which are highlighted in this report.
Finally, areas of work have been identified as suitable for future collaboration and investigation, which KMD and the Met Office aim to jointly pursue.